Elevate Your Trade Show Impact

Trade shows present a golden opportunity to showcase your brand, connect with your target audience and significantly amplify your market presence. But the difference between merely participating and truly excelling lies in a meticulously crafted strategy that leverages every moment for maximum engagement and return on investment (ROI). 

Arnie Begler and Kim Tarquinio   |   June 4, 2024 at 4:00 PM

The Power of Conversation

In the bustling world of retail and hospitality, the importance of establishing a genuine connection with guests cannot be overstated. The dynamic nature of these industries demands not just transactions, but meaningful interactions that elevate customer satisfaction and foster loyalty. At Pipitone, we understand that at the heart of every successful brand lies a commitment to engaging dialogue—a two-way street where voices are heard, valued and acted upon. 

Caroline Constantine   |   May 6, 2024 at 3:25 PM

The Transformative Power of Social Listening

In the digital age, where conversation is currency, the art of listening has never been more critical. At Pipitone, we firmly believe in the power of social listening to not only hear but truly understand what drives conversations and engagement across social media landscapes. This profound understanding enables us to elevate our clients' marketing strategies, ensuring they resonate with their target audiences while staying ahead of industry trends. 

Zoe Rivet   |   April 29, 2024 at 3:09 PM

The Evolution of Earned Media

In the dynamic world of public relations, understanding the nuances of earned media is more crucial than ever. Unlike paid or owned media, earned media stands out as the gold standard of credibility and authenticity in brand promotion. It refers to the publicity a brand receives through efforts not directly paid for or controlled by the brand itself. This could range from a journalist's favorable article in a leading publication to glowing customer reviews shared across social media platforms. 

Lynn McMahon   |   April 23, 2024 at 5:15 PM

GREAT Work Starts at the Core

Core values are the heart and soul of any great organization, supporting a company's vision and shapingits culture.They help employees better understand what a company holds sacred and how to align with its stated mission and vision. Core valuesserve as a guide for behavioral norms while giving employees a shared sense of commitment and purpose. 

Melanie Kendrew   |   April 2, 2024 at 5:10 PM