Pipitone News Team

Pipitone News Team

Always evolving, ever learning, constantly growing by doing great work with great people

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Pipitone Group Earns Five PRSA Pittsburgh Renaissance Awards

Pipitone Group (Pipitone), was honored with five Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) Pittsburgh Renaissance Awards on Jan. 31 at the Heinz History Center., an honor granted to the best of the region’s communications campaigns, tactics and individual practitioners.

Earning five awards in total, Pipitone was recognized with three awards for its work with architectural building products manufacturers, Bobrick Washroom Equipment, Metl-Span and Vitro Architectural Glass.

Among the honored campaigns were:

Pipitone News Team   |   February 13, 2019 at 12:07 PM

Fostering Creativity and Community During the Holidays

This holiday season Pipitone Group (Pipitone) was fortunate enough to spread some extra holiday cheer to Providence Connections – an organization that provides childcare and family support services in Pittsburgh’s Northside community. Providence Connections provides childhood education and after-school enrichment programs for those who do not have art or music programs in their school’s current curriculum.

Pipitone News Team   |   January 7, 2019 at 10:00 AM

Six Steps to Capturing More Specs (or Sales)


In our last blog post, we discussed why creative dynamic sequencing is more cost-effective in bringing audiences closer to the top of the marketing funnel—awareness and consideration—by reaching them when they’re engaging with both work related and non-work related media. As we discussed, an architect checking the news during a child’s soccer game has a very different mindset than when using their weather app from a job site. As advertisers, recognizing the multiple layers that make up our targets’ lives can unlock hidden value in our campaigns.  

Pipitone News Team   |   December 17, 2018 at 11:25 AM

Work & Play, Blended: Evolving Strategies for Media Placement


In today's over saturated media world, it’s becoming more difficult for companies to reach key stakeholders with their branding and product messaging. Trying to find impactful yet cost efficient media impressions that create measurable results is the Holy Grail.

Pipitone News Team   |   October 23, 2018 at 10:15 AM

Five PR Pointers: From Planning and Pitching to Placements

Public relations is key to a strong integrated marketing and communications strategy. However, the question that most executives tend to ask is, is PR really necessary? The short answer is that you can certainly operate a business with little or no PR, but doing so greatly limits your traction in key industries and markets. Businesses that incorporate PR tactics into their marketing communication strategies are not only more likely to grab the attention of customers and prospects, but also to garner the results that drive long-term success.

Pipitone News Team   |   July 10, 2018 at 8:53 AM