Social media influencers are everywhere. Whether you need a new brunch spot or you’re looking for the perfect denim jacket, you’ve probably seen an influencer posting about it.
Always evolving, ever learning, constantly growing by doing great work with great people
Social media influencers are everywhere. Whether you need a new brunch spot or you’re looking for the perfect denim jacket, you’ve probably seen an influencer posting about it.
Greg joined Pipitone Group in April 2021 with more than two decades of digital marketing and advertising experience. Read on to learn more about what makes Greg an asset to Pipitone Group’s mission.
Caroline, a 10-year public relations veteran, joined Pipitone Group in October 2020. Read on to learn more about what makes Caroline a true InteGREATor.
In the “Before Times,” as some now call it, e-commerce was already on the rise. Online shopping became standard practice in the mid- to late-2010s thanks to its ease of use and the growing popularity of social media.