Pipitone News Team

Pipitone News Team

Always evolving, ever learning, constantly growing by doing great work with great people

Recent Posts

Pipitone Group Wins Two PRSA Awards

Pipitone Group was very excited to win two different awards at the PRSA Pittsburgh Renaissance Awards on January 28, 2014 for their collaborative efforts with the teams at PPG and CENTRIA.

The first award was in the category of Online or Social Media/Website for PG’s work done in collaboration with the folks at PPG Ideascapes in developing the PPG Glass Education Center, which works to educate architects about the benefits of designing, specifying and building with commercial glass.

Pipitone News Team   |   January 29, 2014 at 2:04 PM

Pipitone Group Makes Significant Donations to Food Pantry

Northside Common Ministries Food Pantry director Jay Polizani (center) accepts donations from Pipitone Group Principal Ron Moehler and Relationship Manager Courtney Connor.

Pipitone Group was pleased to make a donation to the Northside Common Ministries Food Pantry on behalf of their clients this holiday season.

Pipitone News Team   |   January 20, 2014 at 10:56 AM

Pipitone Group Welcomes Vice President of Client Marketing

Pipitone Group (PG) is pleased to welcome Scott Witalis to its team of integrated marketing professionals. He joins the company as the Vice President of Client Marketing.

Pipitone News Team   |   January 14, 2014 at 9:00 AM

Breaking Bread, Brightening Lives

We are very fortunate to have another successful year at Pipitone Group. However, during this time of year, we realize that others aren't as fortunate. That is why this holiday season we are supportung the Northside Common Ministries' Community Food Pantry. This wonderful organization provides a week’s worth of food for more than 950 food insecure Northside individuals and families each month. 

Pipitone News Team   |   December 19, 2013 at 9:43 AM

Pittsburgh Graphic Design: The More Things Change...

If you spend 40-plus years in any industry, you’re liable to see change. If you spend it in the marketing and communications industry, you’re destined to see it. My new home away from home here at Pipitone Group, an integrated marketing agency, has embraced change so much that it’s ingrained in our mission statement: Always evolving, ever learning, constantly growing by doing great work with great people. 

Pipitone News Team   |   December 17, 2013 at 3:32 PM