Lencore Announces Pipitone Group as Marketing Partner


Listen up! Sound masking leader and mass notification manufacturer Lencore has tapped Pipitone Group as their marketing partner.

This partnership will serve to reinforce Lencore’s leadership position and drive sales for mass notification and sound masking systems. Lencore is a thought leader in the engineering of sound masking, paging, audio and mass notification and emergency communication (MNEC) systems. Lencore is constantly pushing the boundaries of technology to assure building occupant safety by delivering superior systems and services. Lencore’s products play an integral part in a variety of applications within industries including corporate, healthcare, finance, legal, government, hospitality, education, security, vision and more.            

Lencore’s 360-degree marketing effort consists of digital and traditional communication. For more information about Lencore, visit www.lencore.com.

Lencore helps continue to expand our client base and expertise in the Home and Building Products industry, which includes Vitro Architectural Glass, Sloan and Somfy. To learn more about Pipitone's portfolio of work visit our workpage

Pipitone News Team

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