GREAT Work Starts at the Core

Core values are the heart and soul of any great organization, supporting a company's vision and shaping its culture. They help employees better understand what a company holds sacred and how to align with its stated mission and vision. Core values serve as a guide for behavioral norms while giving employees a shared sense of commitment and purpose. 

Here at Pipitone, our core values of Integrity, Collaboration, Accountability, Adaptability and Passion are what drive us to be GREAT, not only for our clients but for each other.  

But don’t just take our word for it – we surveyed a handful of our employees to find out directly from them why these core values are critical in their roles and in our overall mission.  

Here’s what they had to say: 


– Acting with honesty, transparency and respect toward clients, coworkers and vendors. 

KRKamron Rudisill, art director: “Having integrity and principles in creative work is no different from having it in business. Integrity will ultimately make you the credible partner people vie to work with because it begets quality and value.” 

MRMaureen Senkoski, billing specialist: “Integrity is the foundation of any business. It establishes trust and a standard when interacting with clients and coworkers. This standard is most definitely found at Pipitone.” 

MMMelanie McCluskey, senior content strategist: “Bringing integrity to every single task is the strongest foundation for developing pride in your work. Employees who hold themselves accountable to a higher standard of honesty and teamwork are essential to driving Pipitone’s mission.” 



– Approaching every opportunity to actively contribute and listen to all team members. 


Kelsey Hecht, senior account executive: “Two minds (or many) are better than one! Collaboration is what drives new ideas, problem-solving and ultimately GREAT work for our clients.” 

TBTim Bronder, senior art director: “Collaboration brings out the best in us. With great collaboration and open communication in today’s digital workspace, we can exceed our clients’ expectations faster.” 



– Keeping your team informed. Owning your actions. Honoring deadlines. 

SMSarah Moltz, interactive project manager: “Accountability isn’t always easy and can be difficult to maintain, but when deadlines and projects get tough, it’s the trust and confidence that we have in one another that helps our clients – and ourselves – achieve success.” 

AAAyla Apitsch, account supervisor: “Accountability is at the core of every meaningful relationship. When you can trust that everyone on your team is accountable for their part, it allows you to focus on doing great work.” 



– Accepting change and stretching beyond your comfort level. Easy to work with. 

GTGino Tavoletti, senior art director: “I would liken adaptability to oil for an engine. It keeps things running smoothly and efficiently, allowing you to reach your destination without calling for a tow truck.” 

TKTaylor Kerecman, graphic designer: “Changes are thrown at us all the time in a creative setting. Being adaptable is the best way to push yourself outside of your comfort zone, which leads to growth and great work.” 



– Bringing your intelligence, creativity, curiosity and unique skills to every interaction. 

ZRZoe Rivet, social media strategist: “Passion feeds creativity and courage while simultaneously energizing our clients and our team. The passion behind a big idea or campaign is what drives GREAT work, even better results and an incredible culture.” 

CCCaroline Constantine, senior public relations strategist: “Having passion for your work is truly critical in an agency role. We are entrusted with telling stories, elevating brands and executing campaigns for our clients, and we become as passionate about their businesses as they are!” 


Learn more about core values with these resources: 

Why Core Values Matter (And How To Get Your Team Excited About Them) ( 

Core Values - Why are they so important to your company? ( 

Melanie Kendrew

Written by Melanie Kendrew

Just as we go above and beyond for our clients, Melanie goes above and beyond for us! As our HR and Agency Resources Associate, Melanie is responsible for employee recruitment and onboarding, benefits administration, employee relations and much more. Her friendliness, empathy and passion for her work make Melanie the perfect person to help new employees feel welcome and part of the Pipitone family throughout the onboarding process.