Elevate Your Trade Show Impact

Trade shows present a golden opportunity to showcase your brand, connect with your target audience and significantly amplify your market presence. But the difference between merely participating and truly excelling lies in a meticulously crafted strategy that leverages every moment for maximum engagement and return on investment (ROI). 

At Pipitone, our creative team has helped leading building product manufacturers effectively convey their key messages and generate leads at trade shows for over 30 years. Read on to learn how we support clients throughout their entire trade show journey. 


Before you even book your space, four pillars need to be solidly in place: 

  1. Clear Message: Your reason for attending a trade show should resonate loud and clear through every element of your presence at the event. Launching a new product? Re-introducing an enhanced or extended product line? Trying to increase awareness of a company initiative? Whatever your message is, make sure it’s conveyed and displayed early and often. 
  2. Defined Target Audience: Know who you're speaking to. This understanding will shape everything from the booth design to the choice of promotional materials. 
  3. Conduct Outreach: Before the show even begins, it’s important to reach out to your target audience to make them aware of your attendance, highlight your offerings and encourage them to seek you out on the show floor. Reaching out 4-6 weeks prior to the show is best. 
  4. Measurable Goals: What does success look like for you? Leads gathered, deals closed or perhaps brand awareness metrics? Set concrete, measurable goals before the event to effectively tailor your strategy. 


Your booth is your stage at a trade show, and its design is paramount—not only should it capture attention, but it should also foster meaningful interaction. Creating an engaging on-site experience involves everything from compelling storytelling or interactive demos to educational sessions that provide value, all while encouraging social sharing to extend your reach beyond the event. 

In addition, it's crucial to have trained technical and sales team members on site who can speak knowledgably about your products and services, as well as to better understand visitors’ goals and interests. Make sure your team members effectively convey your key messages with clarity and enthusiasm, aiming to capture the attention of visitors within three minutes or less. 


The true power of trade show participation often lies in the follow-up process, nurturing leads and analyzing performance. Equip your booth with the right technology to capture valuable data points effortlessly. From simple lead capture solutions to more sophisticated event management software, these tools can help you track engagement, follow up efficiently and measure your success against predefined goals. 

Our Expertise

At Pipitone, we’re experts in helping building product manufacturers maximize ROI at trade shows. Building product manufacturers understand that trade shows come in all shapes and sizes – from local and regional shows like Facades+ to national and international events like AIA, Greenbuild, NeoCon and more – and we have valuable experience with all of them. 

Our 360° approach to trade show marketing combines award-winning experiential design and engagement experts with multi-disciplined integrated talent to consistently craft immersive brand experiences for our building products clients that leave lasting impressions on booth visitors. 

Ready to Revolutionize Your Strategy?

If you're looking to elevate your trade show presence and ensure your investment delivers the highest possible ROI, let's talk! At Pipitone, we specialize in creating event marketing strategies that capture attention, engage audiences and drive success. Contact us today to explore how we can help you transform your next trade show experience. 

Click here to learn more about our wide range of building products expertise. 


Check out the resources below to learn more about trade show and event marketing: 

10 Best Practices for Your Trade Show Marketing Strategy │ Momentum
Get More Out of Your Trade Shows │ Harvard Business Review
5 Steps to Creating an Effective Trade Show Marketing Plan │ Stova

Arnie Begler and Kim Tarquinio

Written by Arnie Begler and Kim Tarquinio

Kim and Arnie are Pipitone's experts in architectural building products. With years of management, marketing and leadership experience, Kim acts as a liaison between clients and the agency, all while helping develop award-winning marketing strategies. And as the primary facilitator of the IntelliStep™ Planning Process, Arnie brings decades of expertise in marketing strategy, counsel and execution to our clients every day. Together, Kim and Arnie leverage their collective insights to serve major clients, including Kingspan, Vitro Architectural Glass, and Coronet Lighting.