Pipitone News Team

Always evolving, ever learning, constantly growing by doing great work with great people

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Marketing Metrics that Matter

Posted by Pipitone News Team on Jan 30, 2014 9:57:00 AM

There’s an old adage that says, if you want to be successful, read the books your boss reads. I’d like to take that one step further—get your boss the results she or he is looking for.

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Topics: Align Sales and Marketing

Marrying Sales and Marketing: How to Go Forth and Be Fruitful

Posted by Pipitone News Team on Oct 10, 2013 1:05:00 PM

When it comes to the arranged marriage of sales and marketing, a shotgun wedding might be better than a long engagement.

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Topics: Demand Generation, Sales and Marketing Alignment, Generate Demand

What Now: The End of SEO Keyword Data

Posted by Pipitone News Team on Sep 26, 2013 10:40:00 AM

The relationship between B2B marketers and keyword strategies has never been without complication. Shifting concentrations away from promotional, “marketing message”-laden collateral to helpful, end-audience centric content has been a struggle. Yet, progress has been made and investments in inbound strategies have increased. For most, the challenge is no longer buying into the concept that contextual content is king, but prioritizing and executing the kind of content that satisfies various business needs.

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Topics: SEO; digital marketing

Demand Generation: Free Briefing on Building Brands and Business

Posted by Pipitone News Team on Sep 4, 2013 5:11:00 PM

The Hill Group and Pipitone Group are hosting a free executive briefing on Thursday, October 17, at the Duquesne Club. The morning briefing titled, "Brand to Demand to Close:Generating demand and sustaining engagement in your brand, products and services," will demonstrate how Demand Generation Through Marketing Automation can improve results and return on marketing investment.

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Topics: Demand Generation, Aligning Sales and Marketing, Align Sales and Marketing, Sales and Marketing Alignment

Content Marketing: Quality & Quantity Matter

Posted by Pipitone News Team on Aug 14, 2013 9:47:00 AM

The team at Hubspot is doing it right.  No question.  A B2B company that is generating more than 60,000 leads and a million visitors just through their website every month certainly knows some things about content marketing.   HubSpot’s Senior Vice President of Sales and Services, Mark Roberge, sat down with Forbes Magazine and shared 11 of their secrets.

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Topics: Email Marketing, Demand Generation, Digital Marketing, Business to Business Lead Generation, Content Marketing

Demand to Close is kind of amazing TRY IT NOW