Pipitone News Team

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Content Marketing: The Cicero Principle

Posted by Pipitone News Team on Jul 24, 2013 2:33:00 PM

Nurturing path to purchase depends on packaging as much as it does content(s)

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Topics: Demand Generation

New e-Paper Outlines Demand Generation through Marketing Automation

Posted by Pipitone News Team on Jul 9, 2013 10:07:00 AM

The concept of demand generation through marketing automation may sound complex, but in reality, the concept is simple: Don’t sell when you’re ready to sell. Sell when your prospect is ready to buy. 

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Topics: Demand Generation, Generate Demand, Marketing Automation Tools, Business to Business Lead Generation


Posted by Pipitone News Team on May 23, 2013 8:34:00 AM

Part of a successful email campaign is having up-to-date contact information in your marketing database. If you’re managing all your data in a CRM system,  going in there regularly to freshen up your data is a good idea.   More than one third of your marketing database can be outdated in just over a year.  So, try avoiding that high bounce back rate!

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Topics: Demand Generation

Demand to Close is kind of amazing TRY IT NOW