“Domo Arigato, Mr. HubSpot-O!”
Or how HubSpot changed my life and how it can change yours.
Leah Moore isn’t one for superlatives, but ask her about HubSpot and she’ll tell you it’s “FAB-U-LOUS!” It’s part of an upcoming webinar she’s conducting for Pipitone Group on demand generation through marketing automation, we sat down with her recently to find out what it’s all about.
PG: Demand generation through marketing automation. Sounds very futuristic…and complicated.
LM: It is the wave of the future. We’ve just been using it for a little more than three years now at Pipitone Group—you know, always evolving, ever learning. As far as complicated, UNcomplicating marketing automation is what our webinar is all about.
PG: In a word, how would you describe marketing automation.
LM: That’s tough. There are a lot of words that can work, and a lot of marketing technology platforms. In this instance I’d have to say, HubSpot.
PG: What is HubSpot?
LM: It’s a marketing automation platform that allows you to simultaneously distribute your messages and immediately measure their effectiveness with your target audiences.
PG: Instant gratification. I like it.
LM: Me too. That’s why HubSpot is so great to use. You can tell what e-mails or blogs or social media posts or campaigns are resonating with your targets and tailor them in real time. By their continuous interaction with our content, targets peel back the layers of what’s interesting them and what’s not. That’s not only tremendously valuable information for sales teams to have it helps marketing teams to demonstrate a more direct one-to-one relationship between their activities and return on that marketing investment or ROMI.
PG: Okay, okay, don’t give it all away. I’m sold. Where do I sign up?
PG: See you there!