Erin Payer, Digital Marketing Supervisor at Pipitone Group (PG), was recently quoted in a MarketingExperiments blog post. The first internet based research lab to conduct experiments in optimizing marketing and sales processes, Marketing Experiments polled experts to ask how metrics and Web analytics are best utilized.
The post emphasized several key points, including:
· Determine what type of metrics are important for your business – Not all metrics are relevant to ROI
· Avoid data dumping – Focusing on aggregate data (average time on site, total visits, etc.) leaves you with little insight as to the success of your company’s website
· Let go of the notion that certain metrics are “bad” – Bounce rate is not necessarily a negative thing; for example, modifying your company’s website to ensure the demographic you want on your site will leave better quality traffic to analyze
For more information and tips on metrics and web analytics read the full blog post here, or contact us at