Pipitone News Team

Pipitone News Team

Always evolving, ever learning, constantly growing by doing great work with great people

Recent Posts

Demand Generation: Free Briefing on Building Brands and Business

The Hill Group and Pipitone Group are hosting a free executive briefing on Thursday, October 17, at the Duquesne Club. The morning briefing titled, "Brand to Demand to Close:Generating demand and sustaining engagement in your brand, products and services," will demonstrate how Demand Generation Through Marketing Automation can improve results and return on marketing investment.

Pipitone News Team   |   September 4, 2013 at 5:17 PM

Read All About It! PG Featured in Tribune Review

The Pittsburgh Tribune Review ran a feature today on the agency's recent merger with Vance Wright Adams and Associates as well as its plans for continued growth. As the story states, Pipitone Group is one of the region's largest integrated marketing and communications agencies in Western Pennsylvania. Prominently featured in the story is our president and CEO, Scott Pipitone as well as principals, Gary Adams, Ron Moehler and Jeff Piatt. In addition, two long-standing clients, Rob Struble from PPG Industries and Frank Schiffman from Axiall Corporation are also quoted. Pleased to be recognized by one of the region's largest newspapers for Doing Great Work with Great People. Read the full story here.
Pipitone News Team   |   August 27, 2013 at 9:31 AM

Sweat Equity: Giving back to the Northside

Yesterday, for the third year in a row, the entire Pipitone Group team took a day off from hard work behind our desks to get out and make a tangible difference in our community.  This year, our Volunteer Day focused on three different sites around the Northside. 

Pipitone News Team   |   July 17, 2013 at 2:00 PM

Pipitone Group and Vance Wright Adams Announce Merger


Pipitone News Team   |   July 15, 2013 at 12:19 PM

A Worthy Cause

Ingomar Living Waters is an outreach ministry of the nonprofit Ingomar Church located in Pittsburgh with a vision bring the gift of clean water to the world. They held their first ever Turning Wine into Water event on Saturday, June 1 at the Engine House 25 Winery and Roberto Clemente Museum to raise money for their cause and also launch the new brand for the organization.

Pipitone News Team   |   June 5, 2013 at 1:17 PM