Content Marketing: The Cicero Principle

Posted by Pipitone News Team on Jul 24, 2013 2:33:00 PM

Nurturing path to purchase depends on packaging as much as it does content(s)

The Roman philosopher Cicero had said: "If you wish to persuade me, you must think my thoughts, feel my feelings, and speak my words." If he were alive today, he might very well have added, “…oh yeah, and you have to present it to me in a way I’m most comfortable with.” (Okay, so I’m no orator nor statesman---and definitely not Roman—but it would’ve been close to that).

content_marketing_chartAt least that seems to be a takeaway of recent survey from Marketing Sherpa. Despite the fawning and furor over content marketing tactics, such as infographics, social media and even blog posts (perish the thought!), survey respondents overwhelmingly were more receptive to content presented to them either by e-newsletter or by the good old sales call.

Now surveys, like opinions, are like [insert another word I can’t use here]: Everyone’s got one. And I’m sure there’s another survey out there to refute the findings of this one. But the BIG takeaway for me in this survey is that HOW you package and deliver your message is just as important as what you say in that message (insert obligatory Marshall McClughan quote here). And that’s important, because as many different personas there are out there, i.e. your target audience + title + roles/responsibilities + pain points + a-day-in-the-life etc., there are mediums in which to package your message: tried and true case studies and white papers, or new fangled e-books and infographics.

The key is to identify who the audience is, develop a persona that paints a more accurate picture of that target and then match that up with some content that’s clear, concise and compelling—oh yeah, and packaged and delivered in a way they’re most comfortable with.

What’s your take on Sherpa’s stats, Marshall’s message or Cicero’s statement? Would love to hear from you!

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