Marketing to Search Engines

Posted by Leah Moore on Oct 22, 2014 11:41:00 AM

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Every day users conduct 5.9 billion searches on Google—and don’t forget about Bing and Yahoo!—but are they finding your brands?

It used to be that something as simple as using the best keywords in the right places could give you an edge over your competition. While keywords are not dead, there’s a lot more to SEO than just words, including:

  • Mastering on-page SEO

  • Understanding off-page SEO

  • Learning the right way to build links

  • Discovering how social media influences SEO

  • Increasing clicks in SERP

In the free e-Series, “Learning SEO from the Experts,” –yes, there’s so much in there that we had to parse it out to take it all in—you can learn how to utilize the numerous aspects of search engine optimization to help your brand rise in rankings and drive traffic to your website.

Integrated marketing and communications campaigns that utilize SEO are bound to get noticed, and isn’t that what you want?

Get the first installment of this free e-Series to learn more, and let me know what you think.

Topics: Digital Marketing, SEO


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